Monday, February 18, 2008

7th Conference on Cuban and Cuban American Studies , February 20-22, 2008

The Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University continues its tradition of convening scholars engaged in the study of Cuba and Cuban Americans with its 7th conference – Cuba 2008: Counterpoints of Continuity and Change.

This year’s panels will focus on the current political, economic, cultural, and social dynamics on the island and beyond in the following four tracks:

* Politics and Economy – political culture; restructuring the state; international relations; civil society; economic growth and equity; poverty; social welfare; sectoral analysis; privatization; corruption; insertion in the global economy.

* Social Actors and Issues – key social actors, including the Catholic Church and other religious institutions; social issues such as race, gay rights, and the role of youth.

* Diaspora – economic, educational, and cultural profiles of diaspora communities; diversity within the community; political culture, public opinion, and behavioral tendencies; diaspora’s role in US-Cuba policy.

* The Politics of Arts and Culture – role of the intelligentsia; contemporary expressions of culture; role of technology and the media.

Conference Program
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