Tuesday, June 17, 2008

en el inicio... (and today)


Fidel Castro, Cienfuegos, Jan. 7, 1959.
(AP Photo/Harold Valentine)

Fidel Castro,
visiting the U.S., takes a good sized bite of hot dog
during a trip to New York's Bronx Zoo April 24, 1959.
(AP Photo/John Lindsay)

Fidel Castro takes a draw at his long cigar, a special brand he brought along,
as he talks with newsmen outside the Cuban Embassy in Washington, April 16, 1959.
(AP Photo/William J. Smith)

Fidel Castro, watches as Cuba's President Manuel Urrutia places his signature on the official document
making Castro prime minister on February 16, 1959. Castro has already signed the document.
He succeeds Miro Cardona, seen at rear with glasses.
(AP Photo)

Fidel Castro wears a beret presented him as he addresses university students in Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. 24, 1959.
Castro is in Venezuela on a three-day visit in conncetion with celebrations of ouster of General Marcos Perez Jimenez.
(AP Photo/Harold Valentine)

A representation of Fidel Castro looks down on the famous Prado in Havana.
The sign reads: Fidel, giant guide of America, April 4, 1960.

(AP Photo/Doug Kennedy)

Fidel Castro, is escorted by Massachusetts State Police as he walks
to the plane at Logan Airport, Boston, Ma., for a flight to Montreal, Canada,
on April 26, 1959. The Cuban leader, who came to Boston to speak at
the Harvard Law School forum last night, was under heavy police guard during
his visit as authorities acted on an FBI tip of a possible assassination.
(AP Photo)

Fidel Castro, center, is shown at the Hotel Theresa's dining room
in the Harlem section of New York, Sept. 22, 1960, where he held a press conference.
Castro is attending the 15th General Assembly meeting at the United Nations
and will give an address Sept. 26.
(AP Photo/Dave Pickoff)

U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Fidel Castro leave Nixon's office April 19, 1959,
after a two hour and 20 minute chat behind closed doors. The meeting had been listed
on Castro's program as a 15 minute visit. In answer to a question, Castro said the meeting
had been "very friendly."
(AP Photo)

Fidel Castro, center, and Oklahoma Creek Indian missionary, W.A. Reiford, wear
war bonnets, July 17, 1959, when Reiford came to Havana to open an orphanage.
Reiford holds a peace pipe. At left, Capt. Antonio Nunez Jimenez looks on.
(AP Photo)

Fidel Castro, left, and United Arab Republic leader Gamal Abdel Nasser
are seen outside the UAR's headquarters in New York,
Sept. 28, 1960, after a two-hour conference. (AP Photo/Hans Von Nolde)

Fidel Castro, meets with Soviet President Leonid Brezhenev, left, and Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, right,
at the latter's estate near Moscow in this April 30, 1963
(AP Photo/TASS)

Fidel Castro, left, salutes as he stands with Romanian President Nicolai Ceausescu
after arriving in Bucharest on an official visit, May 27, 1972. (AP Photo)

Fidel Castro shakes hands with Todor Zhivkov,
first secretary of the Burlarian Communist Party Central Committee,
March 13, 1976, during Castro's visit to Bulgaria. (AP Photo)

Cuban Premier Fidel Castro wears a straw hat and a Chilean huaso, or
poncho, Nov. 25, 1971, as he visits the small farming town of Santa Cruz,
Chile, 120 miles south of Santiago.
(AP Photo)

Fidel Castro canned this short putt, March 30, 1961, on the 6th green of the Villareal Golf Club in Havana, Cuba.
The revolutionary chieftain fired over 150, according to caddies, on the 6,692 yard, par 70, layout. Blistered right thumb and all,
Castro was undaunted as he tried capitalist sport with Che Guevara and Agrarian Reform Institute chief Antonio Nunez Jimenez, in background.
(AP Photo)

Fidel Castro plays table tennis with visiting U.S. students
at Varadaro, Cuba,Aug. 30, 1963.
Photo was made by one of the students.
(AP Photo/John Salter)

Fidel Castro gets ready to pitch to the first batter as he opens
the 1965 National Baseball Championship at Havana's Latin-American Park,
in Cuba, on January 31, 1965.
(AP Photo)




según Mega TV el encuentro fue en el Laguito

As seen on TV

ón relacionada: el presidente de...


  1. Pensé que por la ausencia de fotos de él por bastante tiempo junto a no haber escrito ninguna ¨reflexion¨ desde Mayo 25 estaría acercandose a su final pero otra vez Fidelito nos da otra sorpresa. Según lo visto en la TV se encuentra muy animado y con muy buen semblante. Seguiremos esperando...

  2. ji ji, Mega TV no sabe nada de donde fue la reunión.
    Quién lo va a saber?

    Mira que se tiran planchas!

  3. Lugareño, mil felicidades por estas fotos.
    Nosabes, nos haces eltrabajo mas facil a los historiadores
