Saturday, July 19, 2008

Los tranvías de Cuba

Para disfrutar en el fin de semana, recomiendo el website The Transways of Cuba, de Ellen Morrison. La historia de los tranvías en la Isla, ilustrada con fotos, mapas, ...

Fotos (de Camagüey) tomadas del website The Transways of Cuba
The Transways of Cuba

by Allen Morrison

This website is part of my series on the tramways of Latin America. The Tramways of Brazil and The Tramways of Chile were published (on paper) in 1989 and 1992. The Tramways of Cuba was uploaded to the Internet in 2002, The Tramways of Mexico in 2003, and The Tramways of Peru and The Tramways of Haiti in 2004, and The Tramways of Bolivia in 2005. A new page about Cuban Tram Stamps was also added in 2004. A "tramway" is a passenger railway that provides frequent service in an urban area.


Havana (city) tramway lines 1858-1900
Havana (area) electric railways in 1930 (map)
Havana (province) railways since 1906
Hershey (Casablanca - Matanzas)
Santiago de Cuba

The Camagüey page also has a Spanish version.
Traducción por Ana Dolores García para "Camagüeyanos por el Mundo"
Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!

Gaspar, El Lugareño Headline Animator

Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!