Friday, November 20, 2009

este sábado en Zu Galería ...

Foto/Blog Gaspar, El Lugareño
Zu Galería Fine Arts tiene el honor de invitarlos a
Noches de Poesía
con Teresa Maria Rojas

Sábado, 21 de Noviembre, 8pm

Zu Galería Fine Arts
2248 SW 8th Street Miami, Fl 33135 786-443-5872
Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!

Gaspar, El Lugareño Headline Animator

Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!