this Friday, October 1 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Aba House
8351-A North West 36th Street
Doral, FL
Relatos cortos alucinógenos
Librería Universal tiene el gusto de informar que el próximo sábado 2 de octubre el escritor cubano Juan Alborná Salado estará en nuestro local del 3090 SW 8 calle entre 1 y 3 de la tarde para firmar ejemplares de su libro:
AL BORDE DE LA GENIALIDAD Relatos cortos alucinógenos.
Juan Alborná Salado nació en Cuba en 1936. Periodista, ensayista, novelista y cuentista tiene publicado el libro de ensayos Antirreflexiones (1992) y la novela thriller El oro de Manny Plaza (2003) y otras obras. Alborná ha sido un luchador incansable por la libertad de Cuba y sufrió nueve años en el presidio de los Castro.
LIBRERÍA UNIVERSAL: 3090 S.W. 8 calle. Miami.
(305) 642-3234 / E-mail:
Sábado 2 de octubre entre 1 y 3 de la tarde
Past is History - Future is Mystery
September – October, 2010
Freedom Tower in downtown Miami.
One of the most compelling political issues today is the question of totalitarianism and the effect of these governments and regimes on its citizens and the world. Artists continue to create powerful images that draw attention to these abuses. This mixed-media exhibition deals with repressive issues in the artists' own countries and cultures of origin. They include Pablo Trejo, Alejandro Mendoza, Juan Si-Gonzalez, Maritza Molina, Ramon Williams, Cesar Beltran, Antuan and Nelson Garrido.
Miami Dade College Art Gallery System
Franklin A. Blanco presenta:
“Sinfonía en Do Mayor (y La menor)”
Escrita y dirigida por Yoshvani Medina
Con: Carlos Garín, Rosalinda Hernández, Valentina Villamizar y la actuación especial de Nury Flores. Director de Arte: Walter Tucci. Video y edición: Edwin Negrón. Diseño de vestuario: Mariangel Roca. Escenografía y luces: Yoshvani Medina. Género: Thriller psicológico.
Particularidades: Alto contenido poético y erótico, violencia física extrema (asesinato, suicidio, automutilación, escenas de levitación, desnudos). Ciertas escenas pueden herir la sensibilidad de los espectadores.
Del 10 de septiembre al 10 de octubre del 2010
529 SW 12th Ave Miami, FL 33130
Reservaciones 305 528 3514
America Latina:
A Mosaic of Cultural Expression
(Miami News Time). Singers and dancers from Texas’s Danmar Academy of Performing Arts will stop in Miami this weekend to perform America Latina: A Mosaic of Cultural Expression, which could easily be subtitled Miami: The Musical. After all, we’re no strangers to the myriad cultures Mosaic represents: Cuba, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Mexico. That’s not a mosaic; it’s the makeup of the families on our block. Still, there’s a reason for this Latin American UN musical feast. Celebrating the bicentennial of several of its featured countries, Mosaic definitely provides a chance to do it for la raza. Take part in the pachanga as Latin American countries converge on one stage this Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Gusman Center’s Olympia Theater, 174 E Flagler St; Miami FL.
The Nudist Museum
Saturday, October 2 - November 7, 2010
The Bass Museum of Art is pleased to present The Nudist Museum by Ellen Harvey.
Ellen Harvey’s Nudist Museum uses the Bass Museum’s collection to reveal a wide variety of different historical paradigms of nudity. By copying every nude in the collection, which includes paintings, drawings and sculptures from the Middles Ages to the present, Harvey showcases nudes that represent purity, titillation, truth, comedy, beauty, love and ugliness, as well as simple representations of the human body. The fifty-four resulting paintings are far from exact copies. The nudes were copied from the museum’s documentation rather than from the originals, with the result that the level of detail in each painting strongly reflects the resolution of the source documentation. The images were also cropped to accentuate the nudes and Harvey chose to paint everything other than the human body in monochrome. For sculptures and drawings, Harvey randomly assigned flesh colors to the bodies depicted. The ornate second-hand frames have been painted so that the paintings appear to be spilling out of the canvas, alerting the viewer to the fact that the apparently conventional salon-style installation of old paintings is not what it seems. Similarly, upon closer inspection, the wallpaper behind the paintings can be seen to contain small examples of nudity found in today’s mass media, creating a humorous contrast between the world-views of the paintings and that of the world in which we live. The project is a continuation of a recent series of exhibitions in which Harvey redefines different gallery and museum spaces at the same time that she challenges the audience’s perception and understanding of the artworks that occupy such spaces. (read more)
Saturday Night at Coconut Grove Art Stroll
Every 1st Saturday of the month. 7:00 p.m.
Coconut Grove Art Stroll
3390 Mary Street
Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Coconut Grove Art Stroll
3390 Mary Street
Coconut Grove, FL 33133