Wednesday, October 20, 2010

(Miami) algunas sugerencias culturales

Teatro en Miami Festival

Este jueves, 21 de octubre, comienza TEMFest 2010 (Teatro en Miami Festival), que organiza Teatro en Miami Studio, es el primer festival de teatro local que se celebra en la ciudad.

OOCT 21 (JUEVES 7:00 PM): Apertura TEMFest 2010 en el Centro Cultural Español (800 South Douglas Road #170, Coral Gables)

OCT 22/23 (VIERNES y SABADO 8:30PM): Teatro en Miami Studio: “Aromas de un Viaje”, escrita y dirigida por Ernesto García  (PLAY IN SPANISH WITH ENGLISH SUPERTITLES) en TEMS

OCT 24 (DOMINGO 5:00 PM): Free Soul Dance Company: “Stories from the Sidewalk” dirigido por Belma Suazo enTEMS.

Para ver la cartelera completa y todos los detalles puede visitar el website del evento.

En este blog Gaspar, El Lugareño, estaré actualizando, durante todo el festival, la información relacionada con el mismo.

Festival of New Spanish Cinema 2010

From the 21st to the 28th of October 2010, the third edition of this travelling Festival will bring the latest works of Spanish filmmakers to the Miami International Film Festival: stunning debuts (Me Too, Three Days with the Family) coincide with major works of renowned authors (The Island Inside, After) in a program which celebrates the diversity and vitality of contemporary Spanish Cinema. (visit

Editorial Silueta presenta:
La cantante se va de gira


Cordialmente invita a la presentación del libro

La cantante se va de gira

de Rolando Jorge

Presentación a cargo de José Abreu Felippe

Viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010 a las 7:30 pm

Delio Photo Studio
2399 Coral Way
Coral Gables, FL 33145-3510
(305) 856-5632- Entrada gratis
MEGAPLEX Art Exhibition
 15 selected artists
We like to invite you to the 12th and Six Art Complex in LiHa to experience MEGAPLEX !

A juried art exhibition showing the work of artists from the tri-county area (Miami, Broward and Palm Beach.) The artists in the exhibit were selected by Richard Arregui and Matthew Snitzer from the Fredric Snitzer Gallery and Lou Anne Colodny, video artist and former director and chief curator of the Coca (now MoCa)

The following artists will be showing work in different mediums, from conventional painting to video and sound art to performance: and installations in our three spaces: ZONA VERDE, 6th Street Container and a "not yet rented space.

Jorge Chirino, Anthony Kapel, George Sanchez Calderon, Catalina Jaramillo, TJ Ahearn, Lu Gold, Cristian del Risco, Cristina Villamil, Stephanie Lupu, Misael Soto, Rafael Lopez Ramos, Aleli Egue, Daniel Garcia and Marlene de Lazaro.

And in our courtyard...special guests, pockets of lollipops plus projections on our walls by Tony Kapel.

This is one event you don't want to miss!

this Friday 22 at  7 pm - 10 pm

"a not yet rented space," zona verde and the 6th street container -LiHa
1167 SW 6th Street, 1155 (rear) SW 6th Street and 533 SW 12th Avenue
Miami, FL


Presentan: Jesús J. Barquet, Profesor de la Universidad de Nuevo México en Las Cruces; Humberto López Cruz, Profesor de la Universidad Central de la Florida en Orlando; Dania Varela, Profesora de la Universidad Central de la Florida en Orlando y  los directores de la revista, Patricio E. Palacios y Maricel Mayor Marsán.

este viernes 22 / 2010 @ 7pm
 en el  CCE Miami.
800 South Douglas Road #170, Coral Gables
 Entrada Gratuita


Librería Universal tiene el gusto de informar que el próximo sábado 23 de octubre los autores del libro SEAGULL ONE, Lily Prellezo y José Basulto estarán en nuestro local del 3090 SW 8 calle entre la 1 y 3 de la tarde para firmar ejemplares del libro: SEAGULL ONE THE AMAZING TRUE STORY  OF BROTHERS TO THE RESCUE

Ediciones Universal, 3090 S.W. 8 calle

Sábado 23 de octubre, entre una y tres de la tarde

Festival Miami; Season Opening
Sunday, October 24 @ 8 p.m.
John S. and James L. Knight Concert Hall
305 949 6722

The great trumpet legend Arturo Sandoval joins us for this special concert! He's fluent in at least four musical languages. He can burn through an Afro-Cuban groove, tear up a bebop tune, soar over a Mozart concerto and sooth you with a luscious ballad; with equal power and grace.

Beethoven - Symphony No.7 in A major
Rivera - "Concierto de Miami" for Trumpet and Orchestra (world premiere)
Under a special commission from MISO
Ravel - Bolero
Arturo Sandoval - Trumpet
Eduardo Marturet - Conductor
Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!

Gaspar, El Lugareño Headline Animator

Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!