Monday, January 17, 2011

El municipio de Camagüey, es el tercero más poblado de la Isla.

1. Santiago de Cuba 493 mil 623 habitantes
2. Holguín, con sus 342 mil 717 habitantes
3. Camagüey 324 mil 973 habitantes
detalles en Cubadebate
y en el website de la Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE)
Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!

Gaspar, El Lugareño Headline Animator

Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!