Friday, January 14, 2011

(Miami) Saturday, January 15th - Bird Road Art District Walk

Accent Alternative Art Space presents
"Havana, a Capital's Punishment"
Reflections by ten artists on the body and soul of one of the world's greatest cities

Esteban Blanco. Havana Adrift. 2010. Bronze. 11" x 16" x 23"

Dates: Exhibit open until January 20th (By appointment)
Location: Accent Alternative Art Space.
4841 SW 75th Avenue. Miami, FL 33155
Admission: Free

Accentmarketing's project art space will showcase works by ten artists exploring the cultural mythology inspired by the city of Havana.

Artists Gustavo Acosta, Alejandro Aguilera, Alonso Mateo, Esteban Blanco, Ernesto Capdevila, Arturo Cuenca, Ana Albertina Delgado, Ciro Quintana, Ruben Torres Llorca and Victoria Montoro Zamorano contributed to this extraordinary selection of voices, some quiet and poignant, some with the immediacy of a scream - but all reflecting a deeply personal relationship to a place that is a spiritual touchstone for the Cuban exile community.

The exhibit includes works on canvas, sculpture, photography and mixed media. Some images document in heart-rending detail the passing of architectural treasures; others couch in metaphors and allegories the very human side of this city; a visual tale of a place remembered, not with the mind but with the heart.

Accent Alternative Art Space
4841 SW 75th Avenue
Miami, FL 33155

Saturday, January 15th - Bird Road Art District Walk

Over 20 artist's studios and a handful of galleries will open their doors from 7 to 10 p.m. affording visitors the opportunity to meet and view the artist's work in their own studios. There is plenty of free parking as well as a free shuttle. There will be several gourmet food trucks at different spots in the district.

How to find us: Turn south at the corner of Bird Road and SW 74th Court (Shell Station), follow the street as it curves and spot the tiki torches marking studio locations all along 75th Avenue. Accent is a few blocks down, before the railroad tracks. Or turn east from 72nd Avenue and SW 41st Street to 74th Avenue and turn south where you will find another group of studios. Once you get to one studio you can pick up a map so you'll know where else to go.
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