Wednesday, September 21, 2011

St. Thomas University 50th anniversary (by Mons. Thomas Wenski)

This year, this institution observes its 50th year in the Archdiocese of Miami. This school which originally known as Villanova was first planted in Habana, Cuba; then in 1961 uprooted by the Cuban revolution is was transplanted here in Miami first as Biscayne College and then over the years it grew into what today is St. Thomas University. The history of this school mirrors the history of many of its students – many of whom are also “transplants” from other nations and cultures. St. Thomas University has been “good soil” for these “transplants” – for, because of the education, they received at St. Thomas our students have not only grown; they have flourished. And we see the fruits in the many positive contributions our alumni are making to the communities in which they live. In the first reading, St. Paul urges the Ephesians: “Live a life worthy of the call you have received”. For 50 years, this Catholic institution of higher learning has existed to help its students to live lives worthy of what God has called them to be. (read full text)
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