Your Help Is Urgently Needed
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Sandy hit southeastern Cuba early on Thursday, October 25th with top sustained winds up to 110 miles per hour (177 kph) that left a trail of destruction, especially in the historic city of Santiago de Cuba. Images on Cuban television showed downed trees, damaged buildings and debris-clogged streets in the island's second largest city, which suffered a direct hit when the storm came ashore in the early morning hours. Not excluded from the destruction were the churches, pastoral and religious houses of the Catholic Archdiocese.
Church buildings totally destroyed:
- Templo de la Merced, Songo. Parroquia de la Maya.
- Templo de San Pedro, Barrio San Pedrito. Parroquia de Cristo Rey. Santiago de Cuba
- Templo Parroquial San Antonio María Claret, Rpto. Sueño. Santiago de Cuba.
- Templo San Rafael Arcángel, Cayo Granma. Parroquia María Auxiliadora. Santiago de Cuba.
- Templo Ntra. Sra. de la Caridad. San Vicente
- Templo Ntra. Sra. de la Merced. Baltony. Parroquia de la Maya.
- Templo San José de la Clarita. Parroquia del Cobre.
- Templo del Central Oriente. Parroquia de Palma Soriano.
Church institutions seriously damaged:
- Santuario Nacional de Ntra. Sra. de la Caridad del Cobre y dependencias.
Santuario: Puertas y 5 vitrales destruidos.
Casa de Retiro y de acogida a peregrinos: Afectaciones severas en el techo de las habitaciones.
- Seminario
Afectaciones múltiples en el templo y en otras dependencias.
- Catedral
En reparación. Quedó todavía más afectada; perdida de los cupulinos de las torres y afectaciones mayores en el techo.
Your financial help is urgently needed to support relief efforts in Santiago de Cuba. Your tax deductible donation will assist in providing meals, water, supplies and help in the rebuilding efforts throughout this region.
You may make a tax deductible donation via the following account:
Account name: Our Lady of Charity of Cobre Foundation
Routing Number: 026013673
Account: 4247874385
You may also send a check to:
Our Lady of Charity of Cobre Foundation
P.O. Box 40368
Glen Oaks, New York 11004-0368
Please specify that the donation is for the relief of the victims of hurricane Sandy.
Your financial assistance and generous contribution would be highly appreciated by Archbishop Dionisio Garcia on behalf of the people of Santiago. If you should require additional information, please contact the President of the Foundation:
Most Reverend Octavio Cisneros, DD
Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn
7200 Douglaston Pkwy.
Douglaston, NY 11362
Tel. 718-281-9677
May the Lord bless your generosity and solidarity with the people of Cuba.
Mario J. Paredes
Presidential Liaison
Roman Catholic Ministries
American Bible Society
1865 Broadway, New York, NY 10023
Tel: 212.408.1280
Fax: 212.408.8729