Medicis Prizes. French novelist Maurice Clavel, at left, winner of the Medicis Literary prize, poses with Cuban novelist Severo Sarduy, winner of the Medicis prize for foreign novels. Clavel was given the prize for his novel "Le Tiers des Etoiles" (The Third of the Stars). Sarduy got his for his novel "Cobra" (AP-Photo/Bodini) 11/27/1972
Severo Sarduy and Cuban Culture
Severo Sarduy's Archival Subversions
Carlos Riobó
The City College of New York, CUNY
Severo Sarduy's Cuba: Invented, Simulated, and Cross-dressed
Rolando Pérez
Hunter College, CUNY
Ana María Hernández, La Guardia Community College
The Graduate Center, CUNY, Room 9206/07
Friday, October 18, 2013, 4 PM
365 Fifth Avenue (@ 34th Street)
(read more at The Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies' website)
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