Sunday, February 9, 2020

(Santiago de Cuba. Febrero 8, 2020) El cardenal Timothy Dolan, arzobispo de Nueva York, presidió misa en el Santuario Nacional de la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre

New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan concelebrates Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity in El Cobre, Cuba, Feb. 8, 2020. After arriving in Cuba Feb. 7, the cardinal began the six-day trip to the island with a visit to the shrine. (CNS photo/Rhina Guidos)

Read With visit to Cuba's Madonna, New York cardinal begins six-day trip, by Rhina Guidos, at Catholic News Service's website

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El cardenal Timothy Dolan, arzobispo de Nueva York, en Cuba por visita pastoral y espiritual de cinco días
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