Cuba Kansas was founded and names on March 23rd of 1886. The immigrants were mostly farmers and small town merchants. The naming of the town is somewhat obscure, historical noes relate that a man passing through the community stopped for a few days to make traveling money. This, widely traveled had been to such places as the island of Cuba. He felt the people of this new town and community were friendly and hard working like those he had met on the island, thus he began to call the town Cuba. The name seemed to stick and remains Cuba, Kansas.
The town of Cuba has had three locations throughout the years. The original settlement consisted of a post office (established in 1868) and a school located 2 1/2 miles North and 3 miles east of present day Cuba. Cuba was moved one more time after that to where the current town thrives. In the late 1800's the rail line was the lifeblood of the Midwest and Cuba was relocated to stay on the path of the train.
Czech Heritage
Many early settlers to the area were Czech immigrants from Bohemia that settled in the mid 1870's. Originally the majority of the population of Cuba were of Czech and Austrian decent. Cuba still holds a very rich Czech heritage, you can still find Old Recipe Czech Bologna and Jaternice at the local grocery store, hear polka music on main street and find a delicious Kolache in town. (
En el website Cuba Route 66. Mural City listan 9 Cuba in the USA:
There are eight Cubas in the U.S. besides Cuba, Missouri: Cuba, Alabama; Cuba, Illinois; Cuba, Kansas; Cuba, New Mexico; Cuba (village), New York; Cuba, (town), New York; Cuba City, Wisconsin; and Cuba Township, Minnesota. (Read full text)