Showing posts with label Elecciones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elecciones. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Elecciones en El Salvador (updates here)

Acá les dejo los enlaces a los principales periódicos de El Salvador, donde estarán actualizando las informaciones de la jornada electoral.

Elecciones donde yo desearía que triunfara el mal menor, o sea que el partido Arena (candidato Rodrigo Avila) logre mantener el poder, frente al izquierdista FMLN (candidato Mauricio Funes).

Ambos partidos llegan a la hora cero con un empate técnico en la intención de votos, de acuerdo a las encuestas.

Periódicos de El Salvador:
Diario Co Latino
El Diario de Hoy
El Faro
El Mundo
La Prensa Gráfica
El FMLN venció


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mensaje del Papa al presidente Obama

Honorable Barack Obama
Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América
La Casa Blanca
Washington, D. C.

Con motivo de su toma de posesión como el presidente cuadragésimo cuarto de los Estados Unidos de América le ofrezco mis más cordiales buenos deseos, y le aseguro al mismo tiempo mis oraciones para que el Dios Todopoderoso le conceda sabiduría y fuerza indefectibles en el ejercicio de sus altas responsabilidades. Que bajo su mandato puedan los americanos seguir encontrando en su impresionante herencia religiosa y política los valores espirituales y principios éticos para cooperar en la construcción de una sociedad realmente libre y justa, marcada por el respeto a la dignidad, la igualdad y los derechos de cada uno de sus miembros, especialmente los pobres, los marginados y los que no tienen voz. En una época en la que muchos hermanos y hermanas nuestros en todo el mundo claman por su liberación del flagelo de la pobreza, el hambre y la violencia, rezo para que usted confirme su resolución de promover la comprensión, la cooperación y la paz entre las naciones, para que todos puedan participar en el banquete de la vida que Dios ha preparado para toda la familia humana (cf. Isasías 25, 6- 7). Invoco de corazón sobre usted, su familia y sobre todo el pueblo americano las bendiciones de Dios de la alegría y la paz.

Benedictus PP. XVI

Texto tomado de


Foto/AP by Brenna Lisley

Inauguration Live Video Coverage

Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address (English) (Español)

(me dicen que) Michelle Obama viste hoy la ropa de la diseñadora cubana Isabel Toledo (update)

(update)Yahoo News. WASHINGTON - First lady Michelle Obama wore a sparkling yellow-gold sheath dress with matching coat by Cuban-born American designer Isabel Toledo for the inauguration of her husband, a choice many applauded as a cheerful message of hope and a vote for the American fashion industry. (read more)

Foto de Isabel Toledo y una reseña de su trabajo (Octubre de 2008)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Hispanic Vote in the 2008 Election

Hispanics voted for Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden over Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin by a margin of more than two-to-one in the 2008 presidential election, 66% versus 32%, according to a new report from the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center. The report finds that 8% of the electorate was Latino, unchanged from 2004.

Nationwide, the Latino vote was significantly more Democratic this year than in 2004, when President Bush captured an estimated 40% of the Hispanic vote, a modern high for a Republican presidential candidate.

Obama carried the Latino vote by sizeable margins in all states with large Latino populations. His biggest breakthrough came in Florida, where he won 57% of the Latino vote. President Bush carried 56% of the Latino vote in Florida in 2004.

Obama's margins were much larger in other states with big Latino populations. He carried 78% in New Jersey, 76% of the Latino vote in Nevada, 74% in California, and 73% in Colorado.

This report contains an analysis of exit poll results for the Latino vote nationally and in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico and Texas.

The report is available on the Center's website at

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Florida, continúa en su inerte rutina ... (y los márgenes en El Nuevo Herald)

Los representantes titulares Lincoln Diaz-Balart e Ileana Ros-Lehtinen declararon victoria anoche con cómodos márgenes, seguidos del representante Mario Diaz-Balart, que ganó por un pequeño margen (sigue)

(el legado de Bush) Obama presidente # 44 de USA

Foto/Getty Image
NYT/Obama Elected President

Foto/Getty Images
Felicitando al sucesor

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Vice-Presidential Debate

Foto/AP by Paul Sakuma
Interactive video and transcript of the VP debate at The NY Times

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama chooses Biden ...

Foto/Getty Images

Foto/AP by Haraz N. Ghanbari

NY Times -The brief text message from the Obama campaign came at 3:00 a.m., less than three hours after word of the decision began leaking out. “Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on Spread the word!”

His e-mail announcement began: “Friend -- I have some important news that I want to make official. I’ve chosen Joe Biden to be my running mate.” (read more)

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Politics of Fear according to The New Yorker

The New Yorker editor David Remnick responds calling the cover "satire" targeting not Obama, but the "absurdity" of the rumors flying about him.

This cover has quickly become very controversial. The Obama campaign has called it "tasteless and offensive." Why did you run it?

Obviously I wouldn't have run a cover just to get attention — I ran the cover because I thought it had something to say. What I think it does is hold up a mirror to the prejudice and dark imaginings about Barack Obama's — both Obamas' — past, and their politics. I can't speak for anyone else's interpretations, all I can say is that it combines a number of images that have been propagated, not by everyone on the right but by some, about Obama's supposed "lack of patriotism" or his being "soft on terrorism" or the idiotic notion that somehow Michelle Obama is the second coming of the Weathermen or most violent Black Panthers. That somehow all this is going to come to the Oval Office.

The idea that we would publish a cover saying these things literally, I think, is just not in the vocabulary of what we do and who we are... We've run many many satirical political covers. Ask the Bush administration how many. (read more)

Source: The Huffington Post

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Obama sobre Cuba ...

Obama considera que la meta siempre será la libertad del pueblo cubano, pero que también es necesario flexibilizar los viajes y las remesas a la isla, para que los cubanoamericanos puedan ayudar a sus familias. Eso, a su vez, "envía una señal de que estamos abiertos a un nuevo diálogo", subrayó.

"Creo que tener discusiones diplomáticas directas con Cuba es importante y creo que lo mismo es cierto en el caso de Venezuela", enfatizó. Aunque destacó que Chávez ha sido "una fuerza destructiva en la región", sobre todo por su apoyo en el pasado a las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), sus prácticas antidemocráticas y su retórica incendiaria contra EEUU, Obama cree que aún es posible un diálogo con Caracas. (sigue) Tomado de El Mundo.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Clinton farewell speech? (live) (update)


Clinton suspends her historic presidential bid

Clinton endorses Obama, ends her campaign

Thank you, Hillary

Obama leads in battle for Latino vote

The 'Obama Before Obama'


Hillary Clinton website

Barack Obama website


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MacCain v/s Obama (update)

Republican John McCain welcomed Democrat
Barack Obama to the fall campaign for the White House (more)

"Tonight I can stand here and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States of America." (Obama, speaking in Minneapolis)

(Here TV live)

but Clinton said:
"This has been a long campaign and I will be making no decisions tonight,"(more)
Clinton to suspend her campaign on Saturday
Newsweek: John McCain's foreign policy team

Newsweek: Barack Obama's foreign policy team
updates here

MacCain/AP by Jeff Chiu

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Gaspar, El Lugareño Headline Animator

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